Tuesday 1 March 2011

Back to Ubin

Last Saturday, after Oliver's music class, we decided to head to Pulau Ubin. We were last there in April 2010 and before that, August 2009.

It was an impromptu decision, as the weather was good and we had nowhere better to go. Anyway, we had stopped Heidi's music class as she wasn't really paying atttention.

Heidi didn't quite like the boat ride and clinged on to Sophia throughout the journey.
The packet of Cheezels was given to her by a couple on the boat. Here we are at the Ubin First Stop restaurant which we always frequent whenever we are there.
This old lady at the shop is still around. She knows Sophia's grandma, but is obviously senile now.

Although our occasional trips to Ubin always take the same routine, ie eating at the same restaurant, visiting this same shop, walking inroad to the former village head house before turning back, the whole experience is always gratifying.

Ubin definitely has the charm that many places haven't.
On the way back, Oliver spotted something on the ground and told Sophia. He has the senses of a dog.

He actually saw dried up starfruits from this starfruit tree. I always thought that starfruit is a fruit from temperate countries.
The princess decided to come down from my shoulders and take a few steps.
Heidi is very thristy.
I just realised from this photo that Oliver still has that scar on his face.
On the way back, it was my turn to be hugged by Heidi.
And crooked teeth.
Till we meet again Ubin!

Samy's Curry

Samy's Curry is nestled in Dempsey Hill at the old CSC Clubhouse, which is slightly away from the rest of the food outlets. The food is similar to Muthu's, except that it is cheaper. We quite like to go there, as the surrounding is idyllic and suitable for a stroll. There is also a pond there where 2 huge fishes can be found. They were about 8 fet long, but sadly only 1 is left.

The restaurant is unpretentious and food is still served on banana leaves.