Tuesday 7 September 2010

Papa No No!

Whenever Heidi is half-angry with me, or trying to get her own ways and I'm in her way, she would shout "Pa Pa No No!".

It's quite funny and worth repeating that now we have "Ver Ver No No" and "Mummy No No" as well.

Birthday celebration at Grandparent's Place

Saturday 4 September 2010

Heidi is 2 !

Heidi's birthday celebration in school on 2 Sep 2010. She is the only princess in school that day with Isabelle and Elise, both away from school. After searching a few cake shop, we finally settled on the one below from ecreative.
Notice the Japanese doll in the middle? She looks so much like Heidi and I couldn't help getting it. The little doll is one of the Kimmidoll collection. Boon Heng and I always marvel at the resemblence between Heidi and the doll. We bought Yoshimi from Vivocity as there were only two choices. Too bad, there was no Beni as she would look exactly like Heidi in her red dress which she worn that day. Yoshimi's spirit is courteous and considerate. mmm... not sure about Heidi's.

We celebrated Heidi's birthday at 4pm after the children woke up from their afternoon nap. Heidi was seated right in the middle since she was the centre of attraction being the birthday girl. She took a long while to realise what is happening. Boon Heng and I were almost standing right in front of her, but she took no notice. When she finally saw me, she cried for my attention and insisted on sitting with me. I was stucked with her the whole time thereafter. Perhap, she was uncomfortable with seeing us around, as her mood was not that good. Oliver, on the other hand, enjoyed being Heidi's brother and eating the cake with the rest of Heidi's friends. Heidi, another output of introverted parents.