Saturday 31 July 2010

Heidi saying Mommy

I have always wanted to blog about Heidi's development in her speech that includes saying Mommy, but it always slipped my mind. When I remember it, I would not be near any internet access. Another proud moment for me when I heard Heidi calling me. It was the longest waiting time for me to hear from Oliver, almost three years. Heidi took slightly lesser than two years. She still doesn't call mommy a lot, mostly calls her papa loud and clear. When I asked Heidi to call me, Oliver will be quick to reply me. The boy knows how to make up to me for making me wait for three years.

Monday 12 July 2010

Putting on her own pants

Fast learner at 1 year 10 months old, Heidi is very independent and tries to put on her pants today. Surprisely, she manages to wear them well with a little bit of help from me. She is growing at such fast pace that it amazes us.