Wednesday 31 March 2010








Monday 29 March 2010

Heidi and friends in Koala class (2010 toddler class)

I thought that Heidi's eyes have recently grown bigger. But after looking at these photographs, I realised it was afterall my imagination.

Friday 26 March 2010

给爸爸妈妈的信 (from Del-care)








Thursday 25 March 2010


Last night, while driving Oliver and Heidi back from my mum's place, I stopped at the junction near EXPO where the MRT track is in sight.

Me: "Oliver, look at the train... the MRT train"

Oliver: "Wow..."

Me: "Heidi, can you see the train?"

Heidi: "Wow..."

Saturday 13 March 2010

To the Zoo again

Similar to our last trip to the zoo July last year, we greeted the otter not too long after we stepped into the zoo.

Once again, we tucked into our favourite meal - Beryani Chicken and thirst quenching iced lemon tea.
Heidi shaked Ah Meng's hand

Oliver's favourite animal in the zoo.

Boon Heng and Oliver posed for the camera.

We love the unlimited tram ride at the zoo, and couldn't help ourselves to compare the lousy monorail ride we had at the Bird Park. Zoo surely surpassed the bird park in almost everything I can think of.
Heidi just woken up from her 1-hour sleep and looking rather confused....

but looking pretty and happy.

Thursday 4 March 2010

First week in toddler group

Heidi graduated from Infant section and moved on to toddler group in Del-Care. Although the first day was supposed to be 2 March, the teachers had been orientating Heidi the week before to help her adapt to the new 'lifestyle'. This included scheduling her sleeping times to coincide with the toddler group, having meals and playing together. The teachers assured us that Heidi is very adaptable and has been doing very well (that was not much crying, although there were). I was quite happy to hear that, but still concerned that Heidi would equally be traumatised by the new change.

I had wanted to drop by during work hours to peep at her, but was swarmed with work. Well, I am busy with CCA rather than my actual work. The PA Songwriting Competition, which is out of the quality management work, seems to be taking almost 100% of my time. I feel really guilty for not making the time as I did for Oliver. Oliver had taken almost three months to get used to the new environment. He was crying most of the times and almost lost his voice from the constant crying. At times during his dream or perhap nightmare, he cried in his sleep. It was a traumatic experience for Oliver and for us. Jeanette shared with us months later she thought that Boon Heng and I could not go through the ordeal, and would pull out. Wrong guess. Oliver would be equally traumatised if he would to join another school.

Heidi, on the hand, behaved very well which made me worried. She cried mostly in the morning when we left her. At night when we fetched her, she was usually seen playing with her friend or roaming around the room. Perhap she think she is on holiday and unaware that she would be in toddler group permanently. Maybe, she knew Oliver was somewhere near her, Or, perhap I have with me a highly adaptable and brave little girl. Oh.. why do I feel my nose up in the air? I feel like a proud parent now.

Monday 1 March 2010