Wednesday 28 January 2009

Heidi at Brown Sugar Restaurant

Sad to say, the Brown Sugar restaurant at StarDuS clubhouse will close its door on Sunday. It offers such good food.

I wanted to take some shots of the dishes we had, but totally forgot to do so. The food couldn't wait and my stomach was growling.

Heidi's first day at Infant Care

This is the first day since birth that I am away from Heidi for so long. Only two hours she is away and I miss her terribly. Do you miss mommy, my little cute Heidi? I am sure you are in good hands. Heidi is taken care by Mdm Choo and I am sure she will love Mdm Choo's gentleness and her lovely voice. After lunch I will drop by the centre to see my girl again

Friday 16 January 2009

Make a guess, boy or girl?

Finally... everyone I met said Heidi is a girl. Credit goes to her haircut, of course.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Heidi's secret move

I was busy preparing meal and did not notice that Heidi moved from where the pillow was and ended up on the floor.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Heidi at Duxton Hill

Every day, Heidi and I will leave home and stroll around Tanjong Pagar for some "fresh" air. On certain days, I can visit NTUC Fairprice twice and pop by Del-care to peek at the sleeping Oliver.

I try to make it a point to bring Heidi out everyday so that she can look at people and things. She was so used to looking at me all the time that she developed a phobia of looking at everyone else except me, Boon Heng and Oliver. And the trips help as I see Heidi smiling more at strangers and even cooing at them.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Hitting new milestones

At fourth month, Heidi can raise up on her arms when placed on tummy. She will turn in the direction of a voice and can do that very well. She loves to drink from the spoon and even screams when I am slightly slow in feeding her water from the spoon. She wants to be propped up in sitting position although her back is not quite ready for it. She like the view of the sitting position.
Heidi is such a joy these days. When you look at her and smile, she is all smiles for you (but needs a little bit of warm up for people she does not see often). And sociable and interested, Heidi is eager to strike up a cooing conversation. What a charming age!

Saturday 10 January 2009

Heidi at Botanic Gardens

Afternoon nap at Botanic Gardens

First Haircut

While everyone say Oliver looks like a girl, the same applies to Heidi. Everyone we met said Heidi looks like a boy. = ( So I am giving my idea a try.. that is, to cut Heidi's fringe.

The result.. what do you think? So far after the hair cut, no one says she looks like a boy yet. = )

Sunday 4 January 2009

Start of Separation Anxiety

It is the start of separation anxiety not for Heidi, but for me. Around sometime next month (Feb 09), Heidi will be going to Del-Care infant care. As drama as it can get, I am already starting to feel the separation anxiety and missing her even though I still see her every second now.

Heidi is one lovely angel.
When the day comes,
I will miss the smiling face of her
the excited expression every time I carry her high up in the sky.
her arching little body every time I put my hand around her waist to carry her.
her blank expression as she looks faraway and sleeps on her own.
her beautiful hair which stands up like lallang on the fields.
Only when night falls again, then I shall see my little angel
My sweet little angel, Heidi

Friday 2 January 2009