Friday 28 November 2008

Heidi the boy

We were on our way home one day and shared the lift with the security guard at our place. He shook Oliver's hand and said "good girl, too bad your brother don't know how to shake hands yet."

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Monkey see monkey do

Oliver is at this stage of imitating the actions of adults, and even babies.
Hmm, Heidi reminds of a cartoon character in these pictures.. she looks like a mouse, doesn't she?

Saturday 8 November 2008

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Potential Marathon Runner?

Look at those strong legs. Considering the strength of the legs when she kicks me, I think my Heidi girl can be a potential marathon runner.

Lately, I have been the subject of abuse by my two kids. Oliver has the habit of bringing his fat legs on my face while trying to sleep. I actually have to put my hands over my face to block those legs hitting on my already flat nose. It is sleeping with constant fear. And somehow, Heidi wasted no time in catching up with Oliver's strange habit. It will not be a surprise if you see me spotting bruises on my face or chest.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Heidi is 2 months old!

And she ..
.. can pose like a model
.. starting to look more like Boon Heng
.. still dislike to drink from bottle
.. already having blocked nose
.. poo once in two or three days
.. smiles like an angel
.. sporting hair lesser than Oliver
.. growing fast
.. likes to babble a lot
.. likes to look at people's eyes