Friday 29 August 2008

Already 2 1/2 cm dilated

After the scheduled check on Tuesday, Dr KT Tan said I was 2 1/2cm dilated. Gosh, what does it actually mean? Am I going to due the very day or the next or the week after. She took me by surprise when she asked me to choose a date for delivery. Why wasn't it supposed to let nature take it own course? Or rather what people call, a natural birth? You mean I have to be induced, I asked Dr. Yes was the answer. She said that I had GBS (Group B Strep) and baby can get infection, and so I had to be given antibiotics before delivery. All these took me by surprise. Why didn't the Dr Tan say all these earlier? I don't even know what is GBS. Then everything happened so fast before I knew what to ask, the nurse asked me to discuss the due date with my husband outside and let them know.

It was really quite tough not knowing how to base our decision on. Is there a need to induce? Is GBS that serious that requires me to undergo IV antibiotics. They raced through my mind but we had no answer. In the end, we just choose 2 Sep as it was the next scheduled appointment date, and since 1 Sep is teacher's day, it will be boring for Heidi to celebrate her birthday together with her teachers.. unless she becomes a teacher one day. haha. We were thinking that Heidi might come before 2 Sep because 2 1/2 cm dilation seems to us at that point of time a very big deal.

It is already the third day after checkup and Heidi is still happily wriggling in the womb. She is now 37 weeks old and considered a full-term baby. Oliver was delivered at 37 weeks. We shall see if Heidi is the more patient one.

I forgot to mention that in fact, I was the impatient one and wanted to have Heidi delivered on 29 August. Called the hospital for changes, but "no, you can't change it to 29 August" was the reply and 2 Sep shall be the D-day.

As eager as I hope to see Heidi, I cannot imagine having to go through the same ordeal of giving birth. One thing which I comfort myself with is that the second one is always faster.. according to all experienced mothers. Thanks for that..

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Week 36

Heidi has an estimated weight of 2.7 kg at the check up today
& my cervix is 1 cm dilated
Not so early please...

Sunday 3 August 2008