Tuesday 27 May 2008

Heidi Chew or Brigette Chew?

Shall this be it?
Heidi Chew
But many more people choose this ...
Brigette Chew

Sunday 18 May 2008

Cordlife vs. Stemcord

It is time again to decide whether we should store our baby's cord blood. Right now in Singapore, there are three organisations storing cord blood - Singapore Cordblood Bank, Cordlife and Stemcord.

For storing of cordblood in the Singapore Cordblood Bank is free, but the bank does not retain the cordblood for the owner. It can be used for any one who needs it. As for Cordlife and Stemcord, we can but have to pay for the storage fee besides the first time payment for the lab test and extraction. So to play safe, we decided to pay in case one of these days our kids really need it.

After thinking through, I still decided to choose Cordlife due to its accreditation to AABB. Health is something money cannot buy.

Monday 5 May 2008

Week 21 - An Exciting Week

I am getting really excited this week as I will get to know our baby is going to be a boy or girl. Tommorrow will be the detailed check up and the secret will be out after 4 months of waiting. For the last 3 weeks, I could feel my body getting very big in size. I ain't so conscious until I looked at the photograph taken at Fort Canning Hill. My thighs are unbelievably fat. Yucks! I only hope that I will be able to get back into shape after giving birth.