Tuesday 12 February 2008

Week 9 - First Scan

Finally back at KKH Private Clinic. Merely just 14 months, the clinic has made some changes. The counter registration is different. The room for routine test is now smaller as they partitioned the room into two rooms.

What is still the same? Doctor KT Tan is still the same. No nonsense checkup. Checkup is quick and before you know it, you have left the room. I have no idea how good KT Tan is, although my first birth experience was short and successful. I hope my second one will be the same.

Here's some details of my checkup:

foetus length ... 2.5 cm
my weight ... 53.4 kg
my pulse ... 91
Bp ... 97 / 51

Thursday 7 February 2008

Naming our baby

If it turns out to be a girl, her name could be....
Bridgette Chew
Audrey Chew
Olivia Chew
If it turns out to be a boy, his name could be....
Timothy Chew
Ralph Chew
Harry Chew
Trevor Chew
Jamie Chew
Orlando Chew

Miss my first scheduled appointment with Gynae

Have I not planned well? After knowing that I am pregnant, Boon Heng and I have yet to have a chance to celebrate this piece of good news. I am too tied up with work and Oliver fall sick. I am so busy that I miss my first scheduled appointment with Doctor KT Tan last Tuesday. I really wanted to go for this appointment as I think that LNY will be a good time to break the news that I have a second one coming my way. For whatever reason, I don't know why I only wanted to break the news after my checkup. Guess, I really want to see my little one in my body through the scan, otherwise it feels quite unreal.

I feel kind of silly, although I know I am so pregnant. I almost have morning sickness everyday. An afternoon nap can sometimes work wonders for my fatigue body. I am starting to go toilet more frequently. Gosh, the thought of going through the 9 months ordeal again make me shivered. I cannot imagine when my two girlfriends, Eve and Caroline, said that they actually enjoyed being pregnant. Ja Bo, are you kidding me? or you trying to comfort me? How can you gals actually enjoy being pregnant? You gals better get pregnant soon!